So first of all, Buddy is Mrs. Vilera's dog1 I can't believe it! And also last night, hold it!, I've got to explain it first! [yesterday I always go to my Nana's and Poppy's house and I broutht Buddy over to thier house.] And so last night when we got home Buddy started to get hiper! And he went C.R.A.Z.Y.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? And he did it today too.!
P.S. ''He is getting fat now.''
Just a note, I have seen Jesse the cat. He is NOT a cat, he's more like a liger. 40 pounds or so. After you have seen him, it's even more impressive that he can move as fast as he does.
Alaina, you might want to tell your daddy to test Jesse's cat food for nuclear waste. lol!
Don't let him get FAT!!!!!!!
You should put him on a diet, like feed him 1 cup of dog food in his bowl twice a day, and see if he get's less fat! Well, I just thought I'd drop by to say hi. HI!
Happy New Year!!
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