Saturday, May 1, 2010

Those... Those... DOGS!!!!

Ok, I am SO sorry that I haven't posted in a VERY long time!! :( Ok, so, Those dogs are driving me CRAZY!!! Now the puppies sleep with me every night. And my room is out of hand!! It it a WRECK!! And every night my dad comes in my room and says... "Good night dogs, don't chew up anything in Alaina's floor!" But I say, "They won't, they have gotten really good about that!" But, I jinxed myself! Because...
Those DOGS chewed up my American Girl Doll's shoes! Both pair!! And some shoes that belong to somebody else! I got so mad at them!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Laura Aquila, the teacher said...

UGH! I know SO MUCH how that feels! Because one time I got some new chapstick...and Princess ATE IT! So she didn't get a treat that night because she was a BAD PUPPY!
