Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Miss Lips!

So, [sorry I haven't posted in a while] the reason why this post is titled "Miss Lips" is because that's what I call Molly! I know that sounds CRAZY, but this is why I call her that. You see, the dogs have been sleeping with me in my room. And somehow Molly got some Lip Balm that was on one of my shelves. The next morning when I woke up, I saw Lip Balm under my bed. AND... GUESS... WHAT??? IT WAS EATENNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I know who did it...

MOLLY!!!!!!!! Now I call her "Miss Lips"!
That's it!
Post ya guys later!


Anonymous said...

omg she ATE it? did you check the ingredients on the lip balm? that could upset her stomach and make her puke (princess did the same thing to me one time) and if she does give her Chicken Broth.


Laudio said...

What about if she eats earbuds? Because I think that she and Buddy the Christmas Puppy have probably eaten about 25 pairs of those.

Maybe the earwax on them helps to ease their stomachs... :-)