Sunday, March 29, 2009

Future stuff that we will be getting into.

So, I know that this title is longer then some other... okay, well maybe all of my post'. The reason that the title says that is because... [Well, because, just tonight my Brother brought this up, "Ya know what? We will be very sad when Jesse dies." :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

And that will be true, which is really SAD!!! And also my dad brought something up too! Do you remember that post "Uh... this tickles!"? And do you remember the main reason of that post? So my dad said "Yeah!, and I will miss when Jesse lays on my face and purr!" :(:(:(:(:(:(:(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I brought this up, but I just wanted to say that... and I don't know why! Post ya guys later!

1 comment:

Laudio said...

It will be sad. That's one reason that I don't like pets in general. It's sad when they die. I've had a lot of that happen in my life.