Friday, November 21, 2008

What in the world happened with that cat?

Well I don't want to bring this up but it's the funniest thing since The Lazy,Crazy cat. Well when he gose to the bathroom he get's Crazy! I mean we'er talking Crazy! We have a wood floor and he gose WILD!

I wanted to say that.


Anonymous said...

Yep, this is crazy! And Alaina didn't tell the half of it. He goes insane after visiting the poo area.


Anonymous said...

Want to see a really crazy cat? Put a piece of masking tape on top of the cats head, or belly, or bottom of his feet. Too funny!!


Steve M. said...

I once knew a cat that would jump up at the front door on the inside and swat the shiny metal part around the peephole with its paw before falling back to the ground. It would do this over and over again, like a hundred times.

Great blog!

Laudio said...

Right now Jesse is running around the house like a madman (or a mad cat). Meowing at things that aren't there, taking running starts and pouncing on the rug and things like that.

And of course my first thought was, "He must have just gone to the bathroom."

Yech!! :)
